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Gratitude to EveryLecturer on The Road of Education—aReview of Teachers' Day Activities
新闻来源: 发布时间:[2023-12-05]

Teachers'Day is an important time to show our respect and gratitude to our lecturers. Inour company, there are also a group of indispensable people, they fulfill theirduties, silently dedication, they are our internal trainers. On this specialTeachers' Day, let us pay our sincerest tribute and thanks to them.

Thisyear's Teachers' Day is approaching, we organized a wonderful and warmTeachers' Day activity, and invited Director Gan of the AdministrativeDepartment to deliver a speech, to express our highest respect and gratitudefor the contribution of internal trainers. In this exchange and sharingactivity, we prepared exquisite afternoon tea and gifts for all lecturers, andalso invited lecturers to choose part of their own courses to share on stageand exchange teaching experience with each other. The lecturers interacted andshared us with through vivid cases, interesting stories and practical teachingmethods. Although the time was limited, they also allowed us to see more waysof expression, promoting the collision of ideas and inspiration of new and oldinternal trainers.

Atthe same time, as learners, let us find our own responsibility and endeavour inthe internal trainer's effort. Let us actively participate in trainingactivities, take the initiative to learn, think deeply, and apply what we havelearned to work and life, so that the hard work of internal trainers can getthe maximum return.

Finally, I would liketo extend my sincere thanks and respect to all the internal trainers, who arevaluable assets for human resource development. On this Teacher's Day, let'spay tribute to the L&T internal trainer

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