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Exploring the Way of Agile Curriculum Development —A training review of the Seven-Step Course: Agile Curriculum Development Workshop
新闻来源: 发布时间:[2023-12-05]

Recently,the company launched a training activity called "Seven Steps to Success:Agile Curriculum Development Workshop". This training invited The seniorTTT (Train The Trainer) instructor Fan Yizhi, which brought an excellentlearning and practice opportunity for our internal lecturers.

Theworkshop uses a highly interactive, practice-oriented teaching model to engagethe participants deeply. Through brainstorming discussions and brainstorming,the students jointly completed the course design tasks one after another.Everyone gave full play to their personal advantages, cooperated with eachother, promoted each other, and fully demonstrated the wisdom and cohesion ofthe team.

Atthe same time, with the strong professional knowledge and rich practicalexperience of teacher Fan Yizhi, the students explored the seven steps ofcurriculum development. Through practical operation and case sharing, thetrainers deeply understand the key links such as demand analysis, goal setting,key points extraction, and teaching design, and systematically sorted out themethods and steps of curriculum development. In addition, the lecturer guidedthe students to skillfully use a variety of course development tools andmethods, so that the students can better apply what they have learned topractice, and help the students better transform their ideas into courses withpractical value.

Thisworkshop not only provided a platform for our internal trainers to learn andgrow, but also injected new impetus into the training development of thecompany. With the introduction of the Agile course development methodology, webelieve that our training courses will be more relevant to the needs of ouremployees and be able to respond more quickly to the changing businessenvironment.

Inthe future, we will continue to explore and promote the concepts and methods ofAgile curriculum development. We believe that through this method, our trainingcontent will be more innovative, operational and effective, and also providebetter support and help for employees' learning.

Finally,I would like to thank all the internal trainers who participated in theSeven-Step Course: Agile Curriculum Development Workshop for their dedicationto develop more practical courses for enterprises and provide strong supportfor employees' learning and personal development. Let us also cherish and supportthe work of lecturers within the company, jointly promote the overalldevelopment of the enterprise, and establish a learning organization.

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